Week 8: Slicer Large

Laser cutting a 3D Cardboard Object.

The first thing I had to do this week is make alterations in slicer to accomodate the larger design while fitting within the accepted perameters given by the course. Things were tricky at first no matter what I did it always seemed as if my design was too large to fit what I was looking for. Eventually I found out that I had to adjust the dimensions of the slicer material but that was from a mistake I had made the week prior while setting up the cardboard settings in slicer. I found this out and everything seemed to fit into place.

The next thing to do would be to nest the plans gathered by slicer. This time around it was even simpler than it was before. The sizes of each piece were so large that I almost went over the six cardboard sheet limit as most pieces allowed for just enough to have two pieces per sheet but with one sheet allowing for four. If these were any larger there wouldn't be enough small pieces to make up for the inability for a large piece to share a sheet.

This week I had my professor cut my cardboard under the same circumstances not allowing me to go into the lab and I unfortunatley didn't get as many photos as planned I also wasn't able to show the exact measurements but I used the prior cut for scale:

Link to the files: here

Justin Veilleux

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